Friday, June 17, 2016

Learning Buddies

Hi guys!! Welcome back to my blog and today I am going to tell you about learning buddies. Learning buddies are people that the teachers pair you up with and sometimes if the hub is good we get to pick our own.My learning buddy is Rain. Here is the photo of all the learning buddies: 

When the teachers want to change them we fill a form that says do you want to be a big or small buddy and who do you want to be your buddy and stuff like that. People don't always get to be with the buddy they want but sometimes people do. Sometimes people are in three's. We used to have buddy groups where four people are in a group and they are all buddys. That is all for todays blog but I will do my next blog asap. See you next blog. BYE!!!!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Maths Blog Post

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog and today I will be blogging about my really fun maths task. I would tell you what I had to do but it is already says how I did it in the writing

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This is my maths task from Week 1 Term 2. For this task we had to measure 5 things that were between 1 and 5 meters. We had to have a buddy and I was buddied up with Bella. We also had to measure 5 different things then make each other estimate how big the things that we measured were.

So that is all for this blog post but I hope you enjoyed it. See you next time for another blog next week BYE!!!!!

Awesome Monkeys Reading Task

Hello guys and welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to tell you about my reading task. This was really fun because we got to read THREE WHOLE BOOKS!!!! The three books were called 1 Madam Spry and the secret plans, 2 The blue diamond and 3 Mr. Mustard. My favorite book was The blue diamond. Here is my reading task.

Madam Spry
WALT summarize
NAME:Madam Violet Spry
FRIENDS:Hugo, Walter J Honeymaker
ENEMIES:Walter J Honeymaker, Miss Raintree, Bus driver
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: She wears red leather armor, has slightly brown skin, looks suspicious and looks like iron man because of her suit.
ACTIONS:Flying, walks downs buildings.
PERSONALITY:Loves To sing but is really bad.
BIG ACCOMPLISHMENTS:Getting steak for Hugo, Finding the blue diamond, Capturing Mr. Mustard and getting the secret plans.

Quote:I promise to get you some steak Hugo.

I hope you enjoyed my blog about my really fun reading task. I will do my next blog post as soon as possible. See you next time BYE!!!!!